January was a SLOW month.
Between working a lots of extra hours at my (supposedly) part-time job, and working on projects whose scope was much bigger than expected, my production of artwork really slowed down. But it's February now, and I've got some stuff to show off
I've inked and coloured a cover for Jason Franks new book called Criminal Behaviour published by Fictionym/Tesseraction Comics. Expect the book to be on the shelves in the coming weeks
I thought it would be interesting to show the process of creating the cover, particularly that of collaborating with another artist.
We'll start with Jasons pencil drawing. With any of these pictures, click on them to see a larger version. Where you see big blank spaces with marked x, the penciller is indicating with the x that he wants the area to be black.

Now this is my inks:

Notice how i took a few liberties with the details of the piece, added bits, changed the way the jacket looked with the character in the front left, and did lots of tweaks to the lighting. Next is the finished colour drawing:

I deliberately chose a mostly monochromatic, limited, cold, colour palette. I am pretty happy with the finished product.
Stay tuned to my blog as i have more exciting news to share soon!